Buy binding machines, laminator, money counter, shredder e.t.c at significantly competitive prices in Kenya from Glantix office electronic equipment. Furthermore, we offer same day delivery.
Showing 49-60 of 74 Items
KSH 190,000 (KSH 220,400 inc VAT)
KSH 64,000 (KSH 74,240 inc VAT)
KSH 345,000 (KSH 400,200 inc VAT)
KSH 267,000 (KSH 309,720 inc VAT)
KSH 230,000 (KSH 266,800 inc VAT)
KSH 83,000 (KSH 96,280 inc VAT)
KSH 22,000 (KSH 25,520 inc VAT)
KSH 31,000 (KSH 35,960 inc VAT)
KSH 500 (KSH 580 inc VAT)
KSH 30,000 (KSH 34,800 inc VAT)
KSH 0 (KSH 0 inc VAT)
KSH 170,000 (KSH 197,200 inc VAT)
Office electronics are things which are obtained by the company that makes a difference in conducting office related assignments or work They serve as a long-lasting resource to the company Binding machines are utilized to tie an extent of papers which incorporates records manuals citations brochures and much more Utilizing a cover makes a difference to handle in-house printing of a company instead of paying to external the work to another company Based on specific needs in office or trade there are different sorts of official machines accessible within the showcase agreeing to their utilizations like manual official machines nbsp Laminator machines are a resource for each little to huge office Laminator machines can be utilized for more than fair ensuring your records A few businesses utilize laminator machines for common office use and others utilize their lamination machines to form signs or standards Learn around a few of the....Read More

Office electronics are things which are obtained by the company, that makes a difference in conducting office related assignments or work. They serve as a long-lasting resource to the company.

Binding machines are utilized to tie an extent of papers which incorporates records, manuals, citations, brochures and much more. Utilizing a cover makes a difference to handle in-house printing of a company, instead of paying to external the work to another company. Based on specific needs in office or trade, there are different sorts of official machines accessible within the showcase agreeing to their utilizations like manual official machines. 

Laminator machines are a resource for each little to huge office. Laminator machines can be utilized for more than fair ensuring your records. A few businesses utilize laminator machines for common office use and others utilize their lamination machines to form signs or standards. Learn around a few of the numerous employments of an Office laminating machine.

Money counting machine outlined with enormous front show and buttons with show run of 1-999. It consequently identifies fake notes with bright and attractive radiations additionally greatest ancient and unused notes with a great level of accuracy and speed. It supports bunching, including and Self-examination capacities. 


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